Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Arbitary Law: | Offenders: Physical Consequences: Lynching:

Prosecution: Arbitary Law: | Offenders: Physical Consequences:

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] U.S. History

Cases: Real Offenders: Ell Persons

[Info] Apel, Dora. Imagery of Lynching: Black Men, White Women, and the Mob. New Brunswick 2004.

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. This Mob Will Surely Take My Life: Lynchings in the Carolinas, 1871-1947. London 2008.

[Info] Beck, E.M., et al. »Lynching.« New Georgia Encyclopedia. Edited by John C. Inscoe. Atlanta 2007.

[Info] Barnes, Deborah H. »“… the Furrow of His Brow”: The Cultural Logic of Black Lynch Mobsy.« Journal of African American Studies (October 5, 2016).

[Info] Berg, Manfred. »Das Ende der Lynchjustiz im amerikanischen Süden.« Historische Zeitschrift 283 (2006): 583-616.

[Info] Berg, Manfred. Popular Justice: A History of Lynching in America. Chicago 2011.

[Info] Berg, Manfred. Lynchjustiz in den USA. Hamburg 2014.

[Info] Bernstein, Patricia. The first Waco horror. The lynching of Jesse Washington and the rise of the NAACP. College Station 2005.

[Info] Blaisdell, Lowell L. »Anatomy of an Oklahoma lynching. Bryan County, August 12-13, 1911.« Chronicles of Oklahoma 79 (2001): 298-313.

[Info] Brundage, W. Fitzhugh. Lynching in the new South. Georgia and Virginia, 1880-1930. Urbana 1993.

[Info] Campney, Brent M.S. This Is Not Dixie: Racist Violence in Kansas, 1861-1927. Urbana 2015.

[Info] Campney, Brent M.S. »This Is Not Dixie: Racist Violence in Kansas, 1861-1927.« Kansas City Public Library. Kansas City 2016.

[Info] Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. »The lynching of Cleo Wright. Federal protection of constitutional rights during World War II.« Journal of American history 72 (1986): 859-887.

[Info] Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. The lynching of Cleo Wright. Lexington 1998.

[Info] Carr, Cynthia. Our town. A heartland lynching, a haunted town, and the hidden history of white America. New York 2006.

[Info] Carter, Dan T. »Scottsboro Case.« The Oxford Companion to United States History. Edited by Paul S. Boyer. Oxford 2001: 693.

[Info] D’Emilio, John, et al. »Since Intimate Matters: Recent Developments in the History of Sexuality in the United States.« Journal of Women's History 25 (2013): 88-100.

[Info] Davis, Jack E. Shades of justice. The lynching of Jesse James Payne and its aftermath. M.A. Thesis, University of South Florida 1989.

[Info] Davis, Jack E. »The Lynching of Jesse James Payne.« Annual Meeting of the Florida Historical Society. 1990.

[Info] Davis, Jack E. »"Whitewash" in Florida. The lynching of Jesse James Payne and its aftermath.« Florida historical quarterly 68 (1990): 277-298.

[Info] DeVouge, Laura. "Lynch a Thousand Times a Week if Necessary": Lynching and Women's Rights in the American South. Major Research Project, Western University, 2012.

[Info] Dinnerstein, Leonard. »Leo Frank Case.« New Georgia Encyclopedia. Edited by John C. Inscoe. Atlanta 2006.

[Info] Dorr, Lisa L. »The Specter of Violence: Mob Action and the Legal Process in Cases of Black-on-white Rape, 1900-1950.« Lynching and Racial Violence in America: Histories and Legacies. Atlanta 2002.

[Info] Downey, Dennis B. »The lord’s messenger. Racial lynching and the church trial of Robert Elwood.« Journal of Presbyterian history 79 (2001): 135-149.

[Info] Elliott Hood, Kristin R. ‘The terror of trees and streets’. Lynching, rape, and interiority in African American women’s fiction. Ann Arbor 2003.

[Info] Everett, Dianna. »Lynching.« Encyclopedia of Oklahoma history & society. Edited by Dianna Everett. Oklahoma City 2007.

[Info] Feimster, Crystal N. Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching. Cambridge 2009.

[Info] Feimster, Crystal. »Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching.« Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, University of Wisconsin. Madison 2011.

[Info] Franzosi, Roberto. »Analytical sociology and quantitative narrative analysis: Explaining lynchings in Georgia (1875-1930).« Analytical Sociology: Actions and Networks. Edited by Gianluca Manzo. Hoboken 2014: 127-148.

[Info] Freedman, Estelle B. Redefining Rape: Sexual Violence in the Era of Suffrage and Segregation. Cambridge 2013.

[Info] Gunning, Sandra. Race, Rape, and Lynching: The Red Record of American Literature, 1890-1912. New York 1996.

[Info] Hobbs, Tameka B. "Hitler is Here": Lynching in Florida During the Era of World War II. Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, 2004.

[Info] Hall, Jacquelyn D. »"The mind that burns in each body". Women, rape, and racial violence.« Powers of desire. The politics of sexuality. Edited by Ann Snitow et al. New York 1983: 329-349.

[Info] Hall, Jacquelyn D. »"The mind that burns in each body". Women, rape, and racial violence.« Southern exposure 12 (1984): 61-71.

[Info] Hall, Jacquelyn D. »"The mind that burns in each body". Women, rape, and racial violence.« Race, class, and gender: an anthology. Edited by Margaret L. Andersen et al. Belmont 1992: 397-412.

[Info] Hall, Jacquelyn D. »Private eyes, public women. Images of class and sex in the urban south, Atlanta, Georgia, 1913-1915.« Atlanta history 36 (1993): 24-39.

[Info] Ketelsen, Judith. Das unaussprechliche Verbrechen. Die Kriminalisierung der Opfer im Diskurs um Lynching und Vergewaltigung in den Südstaaten der USA nach dem Bürgerkrieg. Münster 2000.

[Info] Knight, Lawrence E. »"The state is on trial". Governor Edmund F. Noel and the defense of Mississippi’s legal institutions against mob violence.« Journal of Mississippi history 60 (1998): 191-222.

[Info] Krause, Sascha W. The anatomy of resistance. The rhetoric of anti-lynching in American literature and culture, 1892-1936. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg, 2005.

[Info] Lakin, Matthew. »"A dark night". The Knoxville race riot of 1919.« Journal of East Tennessee history 72 (2000): 1-29.

[Info] Lewis, Todd E. »Mob justice in the "American Congo". "Judge lynch" in Arkansas during the decade after World War I.« Arkansas historical quarterly 52 (1993): 156-184.

[Info] Lucas, Cassandra L. Rape, race, and redemption. A Northern translation of the Southern script in the 1920 Duluth lynching. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2007.

[Info] Madison, James H. »An Indiana lynching and stories of race.« Traces of Indiana and Midwestern history 13 (2001): 4-11.

[Info] Madison, James H. A lynching in the heartland. Race and memory in America. New York 2003.

[Info] McGovern, James R. Anatomy of a lynching. The killing of Claude Neal. Baton Rouge 1982.

[Info] McKenzie, Fred. »The Kellyville incident.« East Texas historical journal 37 (1999): 39-41.

[Info] McLean, Nancy. »The Leo Frank case reconsidered. Gender and sexual politics in the making of reactionary populism.« Journal of American history 78 (1991): 917-948.

[Info] Mikkelsen, Vincent. Coming from Battle to Face a War: The Lynching of Black Soldiers in the World War I Era. Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, 2007.

[Info] Moses, Norton H., comp. Lynching and vigilantism in the United States. An annotated bibliography. Westport 1997.

[Info] Schwenk, Katrin. »Lynching and rape. Border cases in African-American history and fiction.« The Black Columbiad. Defining moments in African-American literature and culture. Edited by Werner Sollors et al. Cambridge 1994: 312-324.

[Info] Smångs, Mattias. »Race, Gender, and the Rape-Lynching Nexus in the U.S. South, 1881-1930.« Social Problems (September 20, 2019).

[Info] Sommerville, Diane M. »Rape-lynch scenario.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 189-191.

[Info] SoRelle, James M. »The "Waco horror". The lynching of Jesse Washington.« Southwestern historical quarterly 86 (1983): 517-536.

[Info] Stein, Bill. »Colorado County protects womanhood. The murder of Geraldine Kollmann and the subsequent lynching of the accused.« Southwestern historical quarterly 108 (2005): 440-466.

[Info] Stein, Daniel. »Lynching und grafische Literatur: Zur Intersektionalität von Rachel Marie-Crane Williams’ Elegy for Mary Turner (2021).« Comics und Intersektionalität. Edited by Anna Beckmann et al. Berlin 2024: 29-51.

[Info] Sweeney, James R. »The "trials" of Shelby County, Tennessee. Judge "Lynch" presiding.« Tennessee historical quarterly 63 (2004): 102-127.

[Info] Tolnay, Steward E, et al. »Lynching.« The Oxford Companion to United States History. Edited by Paul S. Boyer. Oxford 2001: 465.

[Info] Waldrep, Christopher, ed. Lynching in America. A history in documents. New York 2006.

[Info] Webb, Michael D. »‘God bless you all – I am innocent’. Sheriff Joseph F. Shipp, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the lynching of Ed Johnson.« Tennessee historical quarterly 58 (1999): 156-179.

[Info] Wiegman, Robyn. »The anatomy of lynching.« Journal of the history of sexuality 3 (1993): 445-467.

[Info] Williams, Yohuru R. »Permission to hate. Delaware, lynching, and the culture of violence in America.« Journal of black studies 32 (2001): 3-29.

[Info] Wilson, Jon L. »Days of fear. A lynching in St. Petersburg.« Tampa Bay history 5 (1983): 4-26.

[Info] Wriggins, Jennifer. »Rape, racism, and the law.« Harvard women’s law journal 6 (1983): 103-141.